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来源: 锦尚中国 点击:

create database xuning_test;
use xuning_test;
create table person(
 id int not null,
 name varchar(16) not null,
 sex varchar(16) not null,
 age int not null,
 address varchar(128) not null,
 remark varchar(512) not null
insert into person value
 (1,'name_1','men',99,'beijing','This is a frindsheep boy'),
 (2,'name_2','men',88,'shanghai','ok great'),
 (1,'name_3','man',77,'guangzhou','This is lickly'),
 (1,'name_4','men',66,'beijing','This is a frindsheep boy'),
 (1,'name_5','men',55,'beijing','you dont going to shool'),
 (1,'name_6','man',44,'beijing','This is a frindsheep boy'),
 (1,'name_7','men',33,'beijing','This is a frindsheep boy'),
 (1,'name_9','men',11,'beijing','This is a frindsheep boy')
select * from person;
select name from person;
select name from person where sex = 'men';
select name,address from person where age > 50;
select xuning_test.person.name, xuning_test.person.id, xuning_test.person.age, xuning_test.person.address
from xuning_test.person, test1.test_xuning
where xuning_test.person.id = test1.test_xuning.id
use xuning_test;
select c.name,sex from person as c where c.age > 40 and c.address='beijing';

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